Our products and technology
Our area of expertise is advanced automation and optimization of business processes by implementing algorithms of
generative artificial intelligence (GAI) and using software robots (RPA).
Large Language Model
Large language models (LLMs) are artificial intelligence systems capable of processing and generating human language. Due to their architecture, they can perform tasks such as generating text, translating or summarizing (...)
WięcejPM / DAD
Prediction Model/Deep Anomaly Detection Model
Predictive models (PMs) and anomaly detection models (DADs) are machine learning tools used for data analysis. Predictive models predict future events or outcomes based on analysis of historical (...)
Robotic Process Automation
Robotic process automation (RPA) is a task automation technology that uses software robots to perform repetitive and rule-based processes usually performed by humans. (...)
WięcejAI + RPA
Robotic process automation with the use of AI
Robotic Process Automation with the use of AI is a modern approach that combines traditional RPA with advanced AI technologies. This gives RPA the ability to automate tasks that require (...)